Why is web design important for your website?

How your website looks and functions has a lot to do with the impression of your brand. It's the face of your business, and if people perceive your website as frivolous and difficult - they'll leave.

Complete guide to web design 2024

Whether you're creating a brand new website or upgrading the one you already have, it pays to get help from a web designer. In this guide, we've gathered everything we think you need to know about web design - before you choose a web designer.

WordPress themes: What should you choose?

In WordPress, you'll find thousands of themes created by a number of different developers and designers. Choosing a theme can therefore be a challenge; what will be best for your particular website? Here we give you tips on the best and most reliable WordPress themes and how to choose the right theme for your concept!

5 valuable WordPress plugins for your website

WordPress is a versatile web design tool that most people choose for their website. To really stand out, you have the option to install extensions, known as plugins. But what exactly are these? Let's take a closer look at five extensions that will take your website to new heights!

What is WordPress and why should you use it?

WordPress is a highly practical and versatile tool if you're planning to create a new website or online store. But why should you choose this particular CMS platform? We give you an introduction to WordPress and how it works.

Are you our new web developer?

Before I start writing a whole lot about what we expect and what we offer, I think it's natural to tell you a little about Fjellvann and what the situation is. Hi 👋 My name is Daniel and I'm the general manager of Fjellvann, one of the people you'll be working closely with. Fjellvann ... Read more

Application - Web developer

Send application - Web developer We look forward to hearing from you!

Visualization is a technique for visually representing your idea or concept to others. Let us tell you more about visualization!

Visual communication conveys information through visual elements. It is an effective form of communication. Learn more about the term here!

Graphic design is a form of visual communication, where elements are combined to create a coherent expression. Learn more about graphic design here!

Branding is about strengthening your company's reputation, making it easy for people to choose you. Read more about branding here!

Branding is a long-term strategy for companies that want to establish a solid brand. But what does it mean? Read more about branding here!

Green Horizon

Green Horizon New website and text for innovative green data center Content production, Web design, WordPress

Telemark Taxi

Telemark Taxi New website for Telemark's new shared taxi center Development, Webdesign, WordPress


Mandals Simpler everyday life with tailor-made partner portal Development, Webdesign, WordPress The solution The solution was a tailor-made partner portal built into the current WordPress website. Here, Mandals' partner contacts and the marketing team have the opportunity to give the partner network access to easily find the material they need depending on which product, which indsutri and specifically what ... Read more


Safedrive Better rankings, higher conversion and efficiency Online store, Development, Web design, WordPress The result Over several years of collaboration with a forward-thinking internal team and several external parties, we have contributed to tremendous growth and good numbers.

The design manual helps to ensure a consistent visual identity for your business. Let us explain what it is and why a design manual is so important!

A concept is a term most people can relate to, but what does it actually mean? Let us tell you about concepts.

Typography is about more than just a few letters in a text. Let's take a closer look at what typography is and its importance!

Infographics are an effective way to convey meaningful information. Let's explore the concept further and how you can create infographics.

Illustrations are something we see every day, whether at home, on the bus, in the books we read or on social media. But what does the term "illustration" actually mean?

The term aesthetics is used to describe what we experience through our senses. Learn more about aesthetics here!

WCAG is an important part of accessibility, ensuring that digital content is accessible to everyone. Let's take a closer look at what it is and bring up some examples!

Universal design is the key to creating user-friendly solutions and environments for all people, regardless of background or disability. Let's explain what it means and why it's so important.

Redesign improves and changes the existing, to adapt to user needs and trends. Discover how redesign brings new life to your business!

Service design is about improving services with users' needs at the center. Read about the significant benefits of working with it!

Prototyping is used to test and improve product ideas before launch, saving time and reducing risk. But why should you prototype?

UI design focuses on the visual design of the user interface, such as layout, appearance and other visual elements. Learn more about UI design here!

Visual identity is about having a coherent and recognizable visual expression for your business. Read more about why a company should have it?

A trademark is a name, logo or other characteristic that allows others to recognize your brand. What distinguishes a trademark from a brand?

A brand is what makes your product or service unique compared to others. Explore what a brand really means for your business!

Some of the customers we've worked with

Nor Omega
Maria Mena
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Telenor Arena
Lifeline Care
Eldorado E-sport
Nor Omega
Maria Mena
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Telenor Arena
Lifeline Care
Eldorado E-sport